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Critical/Exegetical Commentaries

A guide for locating and using critical commentary sets available in Baylor University Libraries.


Within the Biblical Studies division of LC Classifications, each Bible book is assigned a unique stem number:

Genesis BS1235

Exodus BS1245

Leviticus BS1255

The suffix numbers .3 and .53, following the stem number of Biblical books indicate a commentary classification:

Genesis commentaries: BS1235.53


Please note:

.3 is the older commentary classification suffix

.53 came into usage in 2004

Bible Book Commentary LC Call Numbers

Library of Congress classifications group titles together by subject.

Below is the classification range for each Biblical book where commentaries for that book are classed:

Genesis  BS1235.53   Lamentations  BS1525.53   Gospel of Matthew  BS2575.53
Exodus  BS1245.3 Ezekiel  BS1545.53 Gospel of Mark   BS2585.53
Levitius  BS1255.3 Daniel  BS1555.3 Gospel of Luke BS2595.53
Numbers  BS1265.3 Hosea BS1565.53 Gospel of John  BS2615.53


Joel  BS1575.3 Acts of the Apostles  BS2625.53


Amos   BS1585.3 Romans  BS2665.53


Obadiah  BS1595.53 1 Corinthians  BS2675.53
Ruth  BS1315.3 Jonah  BS1605.53 2 Corinthians  BS2675.3
1 & 2 Samuel  BS1325.53 Micah  BS1615.53 Galatians  BS2685.53
1 & 2 Kings  BS1335.3 Nahum  BS1625.3 Ephesians  BS2695.53
1 & 2 Chronicles  BS1345.53 Habakkuk Philippians  BS2705.53
Ezra & Nehemia  BS1355.3 Zephaniah  BS1645.53 Colossians  BS2715.53
Esther  BS1375.3 Haggai  BS1655.53 1 & 2 Thessalonians  BS2725.3
Job  BS1415.53 Zechariah  BS1665.3 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus  BS2735.3
Psalms  BS1430.53 Malachi  BS1675.3 Philemon  BS2765.53
Proverbs  BS1465.53 Hebrews  BS2775.53
Ecclesiastes  BS1475.53



Song of Solomon  BS1485.53 1 & 2 Peter, Jude



Isaiah  BS1515.53 1, 2 & 3 John  BS2805.53
Jeremiah  BS1525.53

Apocalypse. Revelation



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