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FAS 1302.03 - Writing Women's Lives: Home

Help finding credible sources and ideas for the assignments for this class.


Hi, and welcome to the library guide for Writing Women's Lives! I've created this guide to direct you to the best sources for first year students to use in completing college-level assignments. The guide has a tab for each assignment, plus this Welcome page with some basic college and library research skills information. My contact information is in the right-hand column with links to email me or make an appointment with me. Please let me know how I can help you.


Billie Jean King with her winning score from the "Battle of the Sexes" Tennis Match

Founding Members of the Congressional Black Caucus

Maya Lin

Barak Obama, Joe Biden, and Sonja Sotomayor

Indra Nooyi, Chairman & CEO of PepsiCo

Christa McAuliffe and Barbara Morgan

Ann Richards, Former Governor of Texas

Library Basics

The Libraries at Baylor are organized differently than those you've used to this point. Please don't hesitate to use the links in my profile box to the right to contact me with questions, or to stop by the Jones Information Desk to ask for help. 

If you are working on a woman in music or the performing arts, you will also want to consult the folks at the Crouch Fine Arts Library on the third floor of Moody, since the librarian and staff there have expertise in the arts field.

Below are links to the Intro to Library Research Tutorial and several other tools and tutorials to help you get started in using the Libraries' during your first term.

Learn about source types for college research

How to you decide if a source is scholarly or popular? Review the tutorial below to learn how to distinguish between these two source types and take the quiz to test what you've learned.

Director of the Liaison Program
Research & Engagement

Profile Photo
Ellen Hampton Filgo
Jones 121

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702