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Citing Business Resources & Creating Bibliographies

Looking for help in citing information from one of the online resources provided by the Baylor Library? Here you will find examples to guide your citations using APA v. 6

Citation basics

What information do you need to cite a company or industry profile? Here is what you need:

  • Analyst or editor name
  • Publsihing entity if no author or editor
  • Title of report
  • Date of report
  • Database


Citation examples - company profiles

Basic format: Publishing entity or Author, A. (pub date: year, month day). Report or information used. Retrieved from database name. 

Mergent online

Name of Author Organization. (Date). Title of company profile [Company profile]. Retrieved date, from URL

Mergent, Inc. (n.d.). Caterpillar Inc (NYS:CAT) [Company profile]. Retrieved September 14, 2021, from

Nexis Uni (Company Profile page)

Nexis Uni company profile brings together information from a number of different sources.  Please cite the source for the information that you used (ie- Hoovers, Morningstar, S&P).

Name of Author Organization. (Date). Title of company profile [Company profile]. Retrieved date, from URL

CI Technology Database. (March 2021). Pepsico.

D&B Hoovers

Citation Example: Company Profiles

Name of Author Organization. (Date). Title of company profile [Company profile]. Retrieved date, from URL

D&B Hoovers. (n.d.). Toyota Motor Corporation [Company profile]. Retrieved September 14,2021, from

Citation Example: Other Company Details

Name of Author Organization. (Date). Title of page. Retrieved date, from URL

D&B Hoovers. (n.d.). Toyota Motor Corporation company history. Retrieved September 14, 2021, from


Name of Author Organization. (Date). Title of company profile [Company profile]. Retrieved date, from URL

PrivCo Media Inc. (n.d.). H.E.B.[Company profile]. Retrieved September 14, 2021, from

S&P NetAdvantage

S&P NetAdvantage (n.d.). Expedia Group Inc. [Public Company Profile] Retrieved from Standard and Poor's NetAdvantage.  

Citation examples - industry profiles

Basic format: Analyst lastname, first initial. (if available) (date published , posted or updated). profile name. Retrieved from database name. 

 S&P Net Advantage

Silver, S. (2011, February 24). Industry Surveys: Biotechnology. Retrieved from S&P Net Advantage database.


Bizminer. (2012, December). Local market research:cookie bakeries Dallas, TX metro area, [Dataset].

Citation examples - SEC filings

Basic format: Company name. report title. source or database name. Web. access date.


Starbucks Corporation. (2012, September 30). Form 8-K. Retrieved from 


Harley-Davidson Motor Company. (2019). 2018 10-K form.

Company Homepage

Coca-Cola. (2019). 2018. annual report.

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