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Citing Business Resources & Creating Bibliographies

Looking for help in citing information from one of the online resources provided by the Baylor Library? Here you will find examples to guide your citations using APA v. 6

Citation basics

What information do you need to cite an investment report or market research report? Here is what you need:

  • Analyst or editor name
  • Publishing entity if no analyst or editor
  • Title of report
  • Date of report
  • Database


Citation examples - investment

Basic format: Analyst lastname, first initial. (pub. date: year, month day). report name. Retrieved from database name.

With no analyst: Publishing entity. (pub date: year, month day). report name. Retrieved from database name.

S&P Net Advantage

 Standard and Poor's. (2011, May 28). Cabela's Inc. Retrieved from S&P Net Advantage database. 

Value Line

Nugent, K. A. (2011, March 25). Verizon. Retrieved from Value Line Investment Survey Online. 

Morningstar Investment Research Center

Hottovy, R.J. (2013, January 25). Starbucks Corporation. Retrieved from Morningstar Investment Research Center.

Citation examples - market research

Basic format: Publishing entity. (pub. date: year, month day). Article or report name. Accessed on month day, year from database name.

Mintel - without table

Boesel, K. (2021). America's Pet Owners - US - August 2021. Retrieved from Mintel database.

Mintel - with table 

Lightspeed/Mintel. (2021, August). Figure 35: Length of time with most recent dog or cat, 2021, America's Pet Owners - US.  Retrieved September 2021 from Mintel database.

Passport GMID

Euromonitor International Inc. (2011, May 26). Hair care in the U.S. Retrieved from Passport GMID database.

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