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FYS 1399 - Trends in Healthcare: Basic Biomedical Research

Resources you'll need to come down running for this class by using quality resources from the Baylor Libraries.

Starting Points

You are discussing issue of philosophy of care in this paper and this class.  To help you, I've identified three entries from subject-specialty encyclopedias that will help you frame your response in a philosophical manner.  Subject-specialty encyclopedias exist for almost all the various disciplines of study.  Many times in 1000-level classes you may be allowed to cite these subject-specialty encyclopedias as sources in your paper (check with your instructor for his/her preferences on this idea).  Even if you can't cite these entries, they will be very useful in giving you the jargon and major trends in the field, and many entries will have a bibliography of good resources to consult for further research.

MeSH - Working With It

MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) is the controlled vocabulary use to most effectively search PubMed and Medline.  It means that all articles that are about tumors are listed under the MeSH term neoplasms.  You'll find articles if you search "tumors," but you'll find all the articles about tumors if you use neplasms.  Using MeSH, you can drill down very specifcally to the few articles and research studies you want.  It will be worth your time to use the tutorial link below to acquaint yourself with MeSH before you search PubMed or Medline.

Finding Scholarly Journal Articles

Among the expectations of college research is that you will find and use the best scholarly literature for the topic you are working on.  To do that, don't use any of the Internet search engines like Google or Bing.  You'll get too many results and most of those will be personal opinion rather than educated opinion.  To find what scholars (like your professors here at Baylor) are writing about a topic, use the subject database for that field.  The two major ones for healthcare and medicine are described below, as well as the major database for philosophy and ethics.

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