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ART 4362: Modern European Art (1860-1960): Home


This guide is designed to help you find information related to European Modern artists and their art. Use the tabs above for more information to help you get started with your research, find images, books, articles, and more.   Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or you can make an appointment for a research consultation (see links below my photo).   -- Sha Towers, Art Librarian

Important Links

Gallery of Images

Klimt: The Virgin

1913 (National Gallery (Prague, Czech Republic)

Cézanne: Mont Sainte-Victoire

1905 ( Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts)

Beckmann: Departure

Frankfurt 1932, Berlin 1933-35 (The Museum of Modern Art)

Malevich: The Knife Grinder (Principle of Glittering)

1912-13 ( Yale University Art Gallery)

Bogler: Combination Teapot

1923 (Saint Louis Art Museum)

Fieger: Kornhaus Tavern

1929 (Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany)

Rietveld: Zig-zag chair

1934 (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art )

van Gogh: Japonaiserie: Trees in Bloom

1887 (ARTstor Slide Gallery)

Schwitters: Mz 316 ische gelb

1921 (Yale University Art Gallery)

Duchamp: Fountain

1917/1964 (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art )

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Shā Towers
office: Moody Library Admin Suite G17

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